
Matt Motoki

I am a second-year Ph.D. student in the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department at the University of Washington, advised by Baosen Zhang. My research interests lie at the intersection of machine learning, power systems, and sustainability. In the past, I’ve worked in industry as a data scientist.

Dark Mode


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Cell Division: A Biology-Inspired Board Game with an AI Opponent
Game / GitHub  
Cell Division is a strategy-based board game. Players take turns placing their cells. A player’s cells divide when they connect with each other. The score is equal to the total number of cells. The game ends when the board is full. The winner is the player with the most cells.
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Cell Collection: Variations of Cell Division
Game / GitHub  
This is a collection of games inspired by Cell Division. If a player places a new cell adjacent to one or more of their existing cells, then their existing cell(s) extend to include the new cell. This is a work in progress and I plan to implement various scoring mechanisms.
Hawaii Machine Learning Meetup
I helped to create the Hawaii Machine Learning Meetup with the goal of increasing ML adoption in Hawaii. As an organizer, I grew the community to 250+ members and helped to lead networking events and ML study groups.


In my free time, I enjoy competing in machine learning competitions. I am a competitions grandmaster on Kaggle.

Generative Art

If I had more time, I'd like to create more generative art. Here are a few pieces I've made:
Light Rain
Vertical lines of color fall softly, resembling the delicate, shimmering appearance of light rain. This piece was inspired by Marius Watz's Blocker series. The code draws semi-transparent rectangles with colors determined by Perlin noise and a blend of two color palettes.
This is likely the first generative art piece I created. It's a simple connect-the-dots program that generates a spiral pattern resembling a shell.